This privacy policy informs you about the way in which Green and Paper uses and protects the information that you transmit to us when you use this site , any web page on domains belonging to Green and Paper , as well as any page emanating from of Green and Paper on third-party domain sites.

Article 1: Parties

This Privacy Policy is applicable between the publisher of the Site, hereinafter “ the Editor ”, and any person connecting to the Site, hereinafter “ the user ".

Article 2: Definitions

“Site Content” : elements of any kind published on the Site, protected or not by intellectual property rights, such as texts, images, designs, presentations, videos, diagrams, structures, databases or software.
“Editor” :
Green and Paper , taken in its capacity as publisher of the Site.

" User " : any person connecting to the Site.
" Site " : website accessible from the URL, as well as the related subsites and URL variations.

Article 3: Scope of application

This confidentiality policy is applicable to all Users. Clicking on “I accept” when registering on the Site will constitute your full acceptance thereof. Likewise, clicking on “I accept” in the information banner relating to cookies displayed on the Site confirms your acceptance, while allowing you to personalize the cookies that will or will not be applied to you. You acknowledge at the same time that you have read them fully and accept them without restriction.

The User recognizes the evidential value of the Publisher's automatic recording systems and, unless he provides proof to the contrary, he waives the right to contest them in the event of a dispute.

Acceptance of this confidentiality policy assumes on the part of Users that they have the necessary legal capacity for this or that they are at least 16 years old, or failing that, that they have the authorization of a guardian or curator if they are incapable, of their legal representative if they are under 16 years of age, or that they hold a mandate if they act on behalf of a legal entity.

Article 4: Personal data

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016 and the national legislation in force, the Publisher provides the User with the following information.

4.1. Identity of the data controller

The person responsible for the collection and data processed on the Site is GREEN AND PAPER, whose head office is located at 11 rue de l'arche Sèche 44000 Nantes Contact by e-mail:

4.2. Data collection by the Publisher

When browsing the Site , the User consents to the Publisher collecting information relating to: the content consulted, demographic data, the device used and its software environment, its location, its data connection (times, IP address, etc.). The data collected during navigation is subject to automated processing for the purpose of: verifying the identity of people; improve the security of services; develop, operate, improve the Site; improve the User experience; send information and contact people, including by email; target advertising content; avoid any illicit or illegal activity; enforce the conditions relating to the use of the Site. Personal data collected during browsing is kept for a reasonable period of time necessary for the proper administration of the Site and for a maximum of 12 months, or until the withdrawal of consent from the persons concerned.

The use of the contact form or the contact email address by the User requires the collection by the Publisher of the following personal data: name, first name, email address*, telephone number (only the information with asterisk is required). The data collected when using the contact form or the contact email address are subject to automated processing for the purpose of: verifying the identity of the people; ensure and improve the security of services; improve the User experience; send information and contact people, including by email; target advertising content; avoid any illicit or illegal activity.

Using the registration form by the User assumes the collection by the Publisher of the following personal data: name*, first name*, postal address*, email address*, date of birth, telephone number (only information with an asterisk is mandatory). The data collected during registration is subject to automated processing for the purpose of: fulfilling contractual commitments; verify the identity of people; ensure and improve the security of services; develop, operate, improve the Site; improve the User experience; send information and contact people, including by email; avoid any illicit or illegal activity; enforce the conditions relating to the use of the Site.

As part of the use of the newsletter form, the Publisher may be required to collect and process the User's email address. The data collected when using the newsletter form is subject to automated processing for the purpose of sending newsletters to the User.

The data collected during navigation has the legal basis of the legitimate interest of the Publisher, namely to carry out an analysis of behavior on the Site and to obtain improved security and operation of the Site. Some of this data, such as that resulting from the installation of certain Cookies, may have the legal basis of the consent of individuals. The data collected when using the contact form or using the contact email address have the legal basis of the consent of the persons concerned. The data collected during registration has a contractual relationship as its legal basis. The legal basis for the data collected when using the newsletter form is the consent of the persons concerned.

The data collected can only be consulted by members of the Publisher's management, by the staff in charge of preparing your order as well as by the staff responsible for managing the Site, and cannot be consulted by a natural person. third party.

The personal data collected when using the contact form or when sending to the contact email address are kept for a reasonable period of time necessary for the proper management of the User's request, and for a maximum of 12 months. The data collected during registration is kept for the duration of the contractual relationship between the Publisher and the User. The data collected when using the newsletter form is retained until the consent of the persons concerned is withdrawn. At the end of each of these deadlines, the Publisher will archive this data and keep it for the time during which its liability may be called into question. After this retention period, the Publisher undertakes to delete the data of the persons concerned.

Personal data is stored in secure conditions, according to current technical means, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and the national legislation in force.

The Publisher may also collect and process any data voluntarily transmitted by a User, in particular via the free field of the contact form. The Publisher undertakes to retain and process only the data strictly necessary for its activities, and will delete any non-useful data received as quickly as possible.

4.3. Respect for rights

The User has the following rights regarding his personal data, which he can exercise by contacting the Publisher by e-mail:

4.3.1. Right to information, access and communication of data

The User has the possibility of accessing personal data which concerns you. Such a request will only be processed if the User can prove their identity.

4.3.2. Right to rectification, deletion and right to forgetting of data

The User may request the rectification, updating, blocking or even deletion of their personal data which may prove to be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete. He may also define general and specific directives relating to the fate of personal data after his death. If applicable, the heirs of a deceased person may demand to take the death of their loved one into consideration and/or to make the necessary updates.

4.3.3. Right to object to data processing

The User may object to the processing of their personal data.
He must send an e-mail to the Publisher (to the address, in which he will specify the data he wishes to have deleted as well as the reasons justifying this request.

4.3.4. Right to data portability

The User can receive the personal data he has provided to the Publisher, in a transferable, open and readable format.

4.3.5. Right to restriction of processing

The User may request that the processing of his personal data by the Publisher be limited. Thus, its data can only be kept and no longer used by the Publisher.

4.3.6. Withdrawal of consent

The User's consent is essential for the processing of their data by the Publisher. However, you can withdraw this at any time. This withdrawal will lead to the deletion of the User's personal data.

4.3.7. Reply duration

The Publisher undertakes to respond to the request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period which cannot exceed 2 months from receipt of the request from the User.

4.4. Transfer of collected data

The Editor informs that he has use authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data you have communicated to us. These service providers may be located outside the European Union and have access to the data collected on the Site. The User consents to the data collected being transmitted by the Publisher to its partners and being processed by these partners within the framework of third-party services, namely:

  • FACEBOOK FRANCE SARLU with capital of €4,950,000 RCS Paris 630 085 802 Head office: 6 rue Menars, 75002 Paris

  • GOOGLE FRANCE SARLU with capital of €7,500 RCS Paris 443 061 841 Head office: 8 rue de Londres, 75009 Paris

  • TWITTER FRANCE SAS SASU with capital of €37,000 RCS Paris 789 305 596 Head office: 10 rue de la Paix, 75002 Paris

  • LA POSTE SA with capital of €3,800,000,000 RCS Paris 356,000,000 Head office: 9 rue du Colonel Pierra Avia, 75015 Paris

  • SHOPIFY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. Attn: Data Protection Officer. c/o Intertrust Ireland: 2nd Floor 1-2 Victoria Buildings, Haddington Road, Dublin 4, D04 XN32, Ireland

  • JUDGE.ME Ltd, C/O Buckworths 2nd Floor, 1-3 Worship Street, London, England, EC2A 2AB

The User also consents to the Publisher communicating the data collected to any person, upon requisition by a state authority or by judicial decision.

If the Publisher is involved in a merger, sale of assets, financing transaction, liquidation or bankruptcy or in an acquisition of all or part of its activity by another company, the User consents to the data collected are transmitted by the Publisher to this company and that this company carries out the processing of personal data referred to in this confidentiality policy in place of the Publisher.

Article 5: Cookie Policy

When first connecting to the Publisher's Site, the User is warned by a banner that information relating to their browsing may be recorded in files called "Cookies". This banner allows him to make a choice as to which Cookies he accepts or refuses to place on his terminal. The User is deemed to have given your consent to the placement of cookies by clicking on the “I accept” icon. Conversely, he is deemed to have refused the deposit of cookies by clicking on the “I refuse” icon. In the absence of a choice, you will be deemed to have refused the deposit of cookies. This decision will be recorded for 6 months and may be subject to modification at any time. “Cookies” (or connection cookies) are text files of limited size which allow the Publisher to recognize the User's computer, tablet or mobile in order to personalize the services it offers.

In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, certain Cookies are exempt from the prior collection of consent, when they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or have the exclusive purpose of allowing or facilitating communication by electronic means. These include, in particular, session identifier, authentication, load balancing session cookies as well as cookies for customizing your interface.

Other Cookies issued by third parties are described as “persistent” to the extent that they remain on the User’s terminal until they are deleted or expire. Their use and deposit are subject to their own privacy policies. These are audience measurement Cookies, advertising Cookies as well as social network sharing Cookies.

Cookies are intended to be kept on the User's computer station for a period of up to 12 months. This data is stored in secure conditions, according to current technical means, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and the national legislation in force.

You can accept or refuse the deposit of Cookies at any time. The User can delete or deactivate the use of trackers whenever he wishes by modifying his browser settings. The User may refuse to give consent to the installation of non-functional Cookies, revoke their consent and/or configure Cookies at any time by using the Data Controller's Cookies manager below or by configuring them themselves. its browser, in particular:

  • For Mozilla Firefox: choose the “tools” menu then “Options”, then click on the “privacy” icon. Locate the “cookie” menu and select the desired options.

  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0: choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options” (or “Internet Options”). Click on the “Confidentiality” tab. Select the desired level using the cursor.

  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5: choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options” (or “Internet Options”). Click on the “Privacy” tab. Customize level” using the slider.

Article 6: Intellectual Property

6.1. Site Content

The Publisher holds all intellectual property rights attached to the Content of the Site, subject to rights belonging to third parties and content posted by third parties, for which the Publisher has a license. The content of the Site is protected by copyright and other laws in France and other countries. Any representation, reproduction, translation, adaptation or transformation, in whole or in part, carried out illegally and without the consent of the Publisher or its successors or assigns constitutes a violation of Books I and III of the Intellectual Property Code and will be liable to give rise to legal proceedings for counterfeiting

6.2. Use of Site Content for non-commercial purposes

The Publisher leaves the User free to print a copy and download extracts of certain pages of the Site for their personal use or to draw the attention of other people (belonging to their private sphere) to the content of the Site. Site.

In the event of reproduction and/or use of any illustration, photograph, video or audio sequence, or any graphic on the Site, the User must imperatively and systematically mention the status of author of said content (as well as any person therein). having contributed).

6.3. Creating a link to the Site

The User may create a link to any page of the Site, provided that this link is created in accordance with the laws in force and that it does not harm the reputation of our Site or allow you to take advantage of it. This link must in no way suggest the existence of any form of association, approval or support of the Publisher towards the User. Creating a link to the Site from a site that does not belong to the User is prohibited.

In any case, the website on which the User inserts a link to the Site must comply in all respects with the Publisher's standards in terms of content.

The use of the Site and/or all or part of its content for any reason other than those mentioned above and in particular for commercial purposes requires the prior written authorization of the Publisher, which must be requested (by email to the following address:

6.4. Misuse of the site

The User must not use the Site improperly, nor knowingly introduce viruses, Trojan horses, etc. or any other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. He must not attempt to fraudulently access the Site, the server which hosts it or any other server, computer or database linked to the Site. It must not attack the Site via a “denial of service attack” or “distributed denial of service attack”.

The Publisher cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial of service attack, virus or other technologically harmful material, which could infect the User's computer equipment, its programs, data or other material, and which would be due to the use of the Site or the downloading of any element accessible on this Site as well as on any linked site.

6.5. Sanctions

In the event of non-compliance with the provisions set out above (and in particular in the event of abusive use of any illustration, photograph, video or audio sequence, or any graphic on our Site), we reserve the right to delete the account of the User and to prohibit him from accessing the Site (temporarily or permanently). The User must, at the Publisher's first request, return or destroy any copy (paper or computer) that he may have made. The Publisher also reserves the right to claim any damages. He will report any infraction to the authorities responsible for compliance with the law and will provide them with his full cooperation.

Article 7: Final stipulations

7.1 Changes

This Confidentiality Policy may be modified at any time by the Publisher. The conditions applicable to the User are those in force when they connect to the Site. Any substantial modification of this confidentiality policy will be notified upon the User's first connection following their entry into force. This new confidentiality policy must then be subject to new acceptance.

7.2. Entirety

The nullity of one of the clauses of this contract will not result in the nullity of the other clauses of the contract or of the contract as a whole, which will retain their full effect and scope. In such a case, the parties must, as far as possible, replace the canceled stipulation with a valid stipulation corresponding to the spirit and purpose hereof.

7.3. Non-waiver

The absence of exercise by the Publisher of the rights granted to it hereby cannot under any circumstances be interpreted as a waiver of the right to assert said rights.

7.4. Unfair clauses

The stipulations of these conditions apply subject to compliance with the mandatory provisions of the Consumer Code concerning unfair clauses in contracts concluded between a professional and a consumer.

Article 8: Disputes

This Privacy Policy is subject to French law. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2015-1033 of August 20, 2015, all disputes which may arise in the context of the execution of these general conditions and for which a solution cannot previously be found amicably between the parties must be submitted to a consumer mediator.